November 2, 2024 - November 17, 2024
Our Father’s Pantry will provide Thanksgiving meals to families who are less fortunate.
If you would like to donate, please bring items to the Our Father’s Pantry box in the gathering space through November 17. Financial donations are also always welcome and greatly appreciated in the Our Father’s Collection box located on the wall in the back of church. //
Items needed:
Stuffing mix, boxed family size, chicken or turkey //
Boxed instant mashed potatoes, family size //
Cranberry sauce, 15.5oz can //
Canned corn //
Canned green beans //
Cream of mushroom soup //
Turkey gravy //
They are also accepting frozen turkeys---you can drop them off at Our Father’s Pantry,
2212 E. Winona Ave. M, TH, F, 1-5:00.