The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is the process by which a person becomes a member of the Catholic Church through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. It is also for those who want to learn more about the Catholic faith.
A Family of Faith helps to develop strong Catholic families. With this program, children learn the joys of following Jesus Christ and the truths of our Faith through the witness of Christian life given by their parents. Studies tell us that parental involvement in the faith-life of their child is by far the most important element in ensuring that a child develops into a practicing Christian.
Sacred Heart Religious Education Registration - English
Sacred Heart Religious Education Registration - Spanish
Contact Information:
Addi Krebs: [email protected]
This ministry provides opportunities for Adult Education and Faith Formation, as well as to provide small Christian community formation. Adult Faith Formation meets on Wednesday evenings at 6:15pm.
Contact Information:
Ida List: [email protected]
Adult Choir
The adult choir practices on Thursday evening at 6:30pm. In addition to Sunday Masses, they also provide a leadership role during special liturgical times of the year such as Holy Week and Christmas, Parish Renewals, et cetera.
Contact Information:
Evan LaMar: [email protected]
Bible Study
Everyone is welcome as we study the upcoming Sunday readings. Meet in the Living Well Center on Wednesdays at 9:30-11:00am.
Contact Information:
Dale Rice: 574-377-9301
Prayer Packages for College Kids/Military Personnel
This is an outreach program for our young adults who are away from home, letting them know that their parish is still thinking of them and praying for them.
Contact Information:
Stephanie Wainscott: [email protected]
Friends of Jesus
Parishioners with special needs are an important part of our parish family. Sacred Heart offers a religion-based program for these adult parishioners through the Friends of Jesus program. Guided by parish volunteers, the group meets twice a month on Mondays from 6:30-7:30pm, September - May. Classes include prayer, scripture, Catholic doctrine, projects and fellowship. New members are always welcome.
Contact Information:
Carol Kloser: 574-267-2626
Funeral Meals
Funeral dinners are provided at the family's request. Volunteers are called to supply a side dish, salad, or dessert. The core team makes all the arrangements for the meal. Food items are usually delivered to the kitchen by 10:00am the day of the funeral. Set-up and clean-up volunteers may need to handle the banquet tables and chairs from or to storage area.
Contact Information:
Sue Sherman: [email protected]
Some of the duties include welcoming everyone, helping people find a seat in church, handing out bulletins, and helping to make sure the Mass runs smoothly. There is some training, and greeters are scheduled monthly as available.
To view the Phillips HeartStart Onsite AED Demo video, click HERE.
Contact Information:
Michelle Frazzetta: [email protected]
Healing Blankets
Volunteers on this committee make small blankets to be given to anyone who is suffering from serious illness, a death in the family, or other major problem in their life. Enclosed with the blanket is a note promising our prayers as a parish family. The blanket represents the thoughts and prayers that we share with them during their time of need.
Contact Information:
Sue Sherman: [email protected]
Isaiah 42 Ministry (Jail Ministry)
Visit men and women at the county jail. Serve as liaison with parish priest for any special spiritual needs. Isaiah 42 Ministry sponsors the Pen Pal program and Angel Tree Program of Prison Fellowship.
Contact Information:
Jody Burns: [email protected]
Music Ministry
Calling all musicians in the parish! We are looking for more volunteers who would be interested in sharing their talents with the church, from singers to guitarists or pianists. We have several events outside of the Mass including EXALT, Women's Adoration, and Praise Nights.
Contact Information:
Evan LaMar: [email protected]
Our Father's Pantry and Our Father's Closet
Located at 2212 E. Winona Avenue, Warsaw, Our Father’s Pantry was started by Sacred Heart Church to fill the gap created when Roz Morgan retired and closed her local food pantry. Our Father’s Closet was opened next door at 2214 E. Winona Avenue as an upscale resale clothing store, with all sale proceeds financially supporting the mission of the Pantry. Both entities operate under the Sacred Heart Conference of the Fort Wayne Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Inc. Donations of food, clothing, diapers, and toiletries can be dropped off at the stores or placed into the box in the Gathering Space at Church. Volunteers are always welcome.
Contact information:
Pantry-Cheryl Zale (574) 453-6970 Conference President-Martin Pfister (574) 269-7984
Closet-Cheryl Brandt (574) 551-2774 Conference Treasurer-Jo Paczkowski (574) 527-8464
Women of Grace
The Sacred Heart Women of Grace (formerly known as the Rosary Altar Society) take care of the needs of our priests, including server robes/linens, candles in the chapel, and altar linens. They lead a rosary two times a year for the deceased members of our parish. They also collaborate with other ministries for events, and host fellowship events every other month for the women of the parish. Every woman in the parish is automatically a member and invited and encouraged to join us. The annual dues is $5 to help cover some of our priests' needs and event costs. You can pay with your envelope in the January packet of collection envelopes, via OSV, or via Venmo.
Contact Information:
Cheryl Lacheta: [email protected]
Ministry for Men
Chaplain's List - helping men grow in holiness
Our sister (twinning) parish is St. Nicolas Catholic Church in Kenscoff, Haiti. The parish includes three outlying chapels and the John Paul II school. Sacred Heart has been twinning with St. Nicolas since 1987. St. Nicolas Parish including the chapels serves approximately 1,600 families. John Paul II Catholic School includes primary students (K-6) 300-400 students and secondary (7-12) 400-600 students.
To be in solidarity with our Haitian brothers and sisters at our sister parish St. Nicolas Catholic Church, outlying chapels and the John Paul II Catholic School.
Ongoing Regular Support
Church, rectory and school operating expenses
Prayer support and solidarity
School lunch program for secondary school students
St. Nicolas feast day (Dec. 6) celebration support
The Sacred Heart Community Meal is on the third Tuesday of the month (except for February and July). The purpose of this ministry is to foster a sense of community within the parish by welcoming parishioners, as well as those who may just be traveling past our campus grounds.
Contact Information:
Jeanine DeGeeter : [email protected]
Young Adults
Sacred Heart Young Adults is a group who strives to learn about the Catholic faith, grow in community with each other and our relationship with Christ. If you are looking for a community that encourages your faith journey, come to one of our events! We look forward to welcoming you.
Contact Information:
Abby Kopecky: [email protected]
We partner with the First United Methodist Church of Warsaw to reach out to the hungry in our community by providing food for and serving at the Community Kitchen in Warsaw.
Contact Information:
JC Aguilar: [email protected]
Welcoming Committee
The Welcoming Committee's objective is to reach out to new parishioners in welcoming them into our parish family. This is accomplished by providing each new parishioner or family with a packet of information about Sacred Heart Parish and a phone call to personally welcome them. Our committee meets 1-2 times per year to assemble the packets and each member signs up for 2-3 specific months to make phone calls. By reaching out to new parishioners, we hope to aid them in adjusting to their new church community, in answering questions they might have, and by encouraging them to participate in the various organizations, groups, and activities that the parish offers.
Contact Information:
Doris Everson: [email protected]
Women's Adoration
Sacred Heart Women’s Adoration seeks to give women a monthly encounter with Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Women’s Adoration is typically held on the fourth Tuesday of each month from 7-8:30pm in the church. Each month, there is a brief teaching from Father focused on the monthly theme, followed by adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, with music and opportunity for quiet prayer. Reconciliation is offered during adoration. We close with a time for holy conversations with a prayer partner or opportunity for fellowship. All women are welcome.
Contact Information:
Megan Stone: [email protected]
Young at Heart
Young at Heart is for those parishioners who are 55 and older. They have various activities throughout the year.